not on my time watch

a dial speed is a time speed
light speed is a dial speed
the universe is a time watch
the universe is a light speed
the universe is a dial speed
motivation is a speed of motivation
motivation is a time watch of motivation

the universe is a dial of a universe
the universe is a dial of motivation
a dial of motivation is a dial of a universe
a speed of motivation is a speed of a universe
my watch,my motivation,my dial speed
speed is a speedy motivation
speed is a speedy time watch

my watch is under my watch
my watch is under my motivation
under is under my time watch
under is under my motivation
my watch,my speed of motivation
the universe is under my watch
my watch is my watch of the universe

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about the universe is a time watch. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

a chapter of fear

a friction of a sense,
is a friction of a power
fear is a sense of fear
fear is a sense of friction
a sense is a sense of fear
a sense is a sense of friction
knowledge is power,knowledge is fear,knowledge is friction

power is a sense of knowledge
power is a sense of fear
knowledge fear fear
fear outweigh fear
fear is a power of fear
outweigh power,outweigh fear
knowledge outweigh knowledge

knowledge is a chapter of fear
knowledge is a chapter of knowledge
fear is a chapter of fear
fear outweigh fear to a chapter of fear
a chapter outweigh a chapter
a sense is a sense of a chapter
a sense is a sense of power

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about fear is a fear of power. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

a secret government

violent is violence of a secret
violent is violence of a secret identity
a secret identity is a secret violence
dust is dust of identity
identity is a dust of identity
dust to mass,mass to dust
dust to mass,mass to violence

dust to mass,mass to identity
violence is a mass of violence
violence is a mass of identity
a secret disgust is a secret identity
the government is a violent disgust
the government is a violent identity
the government is disgust as the government

the government is disgust as a identity
the government is disgust as the u.s. government
a secret identity is a secret u.s. government
the u.s. government is a official of the u.s. government
the u.s. government is a official identity
the u.s. government is a secret official
official is official of the u.s. government

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about the u.s. government is a secret identity. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

creativity is a creation of creativity

mankind evolve into a minute
mankind evolve into mankind
creativity evolve creativity
creation evolve into creation
creativity evolve into creation
beginning with time is beginning with creativity
a minute is a minute with creativity

time is a minute with creativity
a minute of creation is a minute of creativity
creation is mankind creation
creation is mankind creativity
creation is mankind minute of creation
time is a moral standard of time
time is a moral standard of creativity

a standard is a moral standard
a standard is a moral standard of creativity
a moral standard is a moral mankind
a moral standard is a moral creation
a moral standard is a moral creativity
beginning of time is beginning of a moral standard
time is the creation of time

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about a minute of creativity is a minute of creation. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

history in the making

a wise history is a wise,
decision in the making
a wise decision is a wise,
point of decision
in the making is in the making,
of a wise sense
history is a sense of history

a galaxy is a decision in the making
a galaxy is history in the making
a wise sense is a wise sense of history
a galaxy is a wise sense of history
history is a fact of history
history is a wise fact
a wise fact is a wise sense

a galaxy is a wise fact of a galaxy
a galaxy is a wise fact of history
in the making is in the making of a decision
in the making is in the making of a galaxy
in the making is in the making of history
the making of history is the making of a decision
the making of history is the making of a galaxy

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about history is a wise sense. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

new year’s resolution

heaven’s scent,hell’s glory
hell is a scent of glory
hell is a hell of a new year
glory is a hell of a glory
the new year is a scent of a new year
glory is the new year’s hell
the coming of the new year is,

the coming of hell
the coming of the new year is,
the coming of a glory
a coming is a coming of glory
new year is a resolution of a new year
new year is a resolution of a glory
resolution is the coming of a resolution

a glory of a resolution is a glory of a new year
hell is new year’s hell
hell is new year’s glory
hell is new year’s resolution
heaven is a scent of new year
heaven is a scent of glory
heaven is hell’s glory

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about heaven is hell’s glory. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.


the body of the soul is,
the mercy of the soul
a body is a mercy of a body
a soul is a mercy of a soul
the mind,body,and soul is the mercy,
of the mind,body,and soul
the mercy is the soul,the mercy is the body,the mercy is the mind

light is a barrier of light
light is a barrier of the mind,body,and soul
light is a mercy of light
light is a mercy of the body
light is a mercy of the soul
speed is a barrier of speed
speed is a barrier of the mind,body,and soul

speed is a barrier of light
the mind,body,and soul is the,
speed of the mind,body,and soul
the mind,body,and soul is the,
barrier of the mind,body,and soul
a barrier is a barrier of light
a barrier is a barrier of the soul

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about speed is a speed of the mind,body,and soul. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

a mighty win

fear is the grandest of fear
fear is the grandest of a mighty winner
a winner is a mighty winner
a winner is a grandest winner
grand is grandest of fear
grand is grandest of a winner
a win is a mighty win

a win is a grand win
knowledge is power
knowledge is a grand power
knowledge is a mighty power
a win is within a win
a win is within fear
a win is within knowledge

a win is within power
knowledge is grandest of knowledge
knowledge is grandest of power
knowledge is grandest of fear
fear is fear grandest fear
fear is fear grandest knowledge
fear is fear grandest power

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about knowledge is power,power through fear. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

conquering the mind,body,and soul

conquer is conquering the mind
conquer is conquering the soul
conquer is conquering the energy
energy conquer energy
energy conquer the mind,body,and soul
a active soul is a active body
a active soul is a active energy

active is actively a body
active is actively a energy
the mind,body,and soul is actively a energy
energy honor energy
peace honor peace
peace conquer peace
peace is a peace of energy

conquer is honoring peace
conquer is conquering the mind,body,and soul
to honor peace is to conquer peace
conquer is honoring a peace of mind
peace of mind is peace of honor
peace of mind is peace of peace
peace of mind is peace of energy

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about conquer is honoring peace. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.

I’m a lover,not a fighter

I’m a lover,not a skill fighter
I’m a lover,not a booming fighter
I’m a lover,not a banging lover
bang is a boom of a lover
bang is a boom of a fighter
a lover is a booming lover
a lover is a booming fighter

a banging lover is a booming disease
a banging lover is a booming paradise
disease is a booming disease
disease is a boom of a banging disease
paradise is a booming paradise
paradise is a booming disease
bang of boom is bang of bang

bang of boom is boom of boom
bang of boom is boom of a disease
bang of boom is boom of a paradise
a fighter is a lover’s paradise
a fighter is a lover’s disease
disease is a fighting disease
fighting is fighting a paradise disease

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about a fighting disease is a lover’s paradise. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.