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our intelligence is our craving of the future

to stand up against our intelligence is to crave our intelligence. to stand is to stand still of time. once we are stand we stand still of time. imageonce we are given we are given of our intelligence. once we crave we crave our intelligence. we are given of our intelligence to stand against time. we are given of our intelligence to stand against the future. to stand against the future is to crave our intelligence. once we are given of our intelligence we are given of the future. once time is given time is given of the future. once we crave our intelligence we crave the future. once we crave the future we are given of our intelligence. upon time is upon the future. upon time is upon given the future. to crave is to crave upon. to crave is to crave upon time. to crave is to crave upon the future. time is a distant of a memory. time is a distant of upon given. upon given is upon a memory. our intelligence is given of our memory. upon given we are given of our memory. our memory is to crave upon the future.

About godlucifer

misery quote itself. i myself is a misery. myself,my personality,and my image personalize my misery. personalization is misery own quote. personalization is personalization own quote. i myself is a personalization of my own quote. i myself is a personalization of my own misery. my image is my own personalize of quote. personalize is personalize of misery which i find myself in.

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